Youth to play the leading role in SDG implementation

2023-12-19T18:29:24+06:00October 17th, 2018|

In the 15 years’ time frame of implementing  Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the youth of today will still remain fledgling but with better skills, insight, and aspiration.  The youths are the major beneficiaries and key stakeholders of the Agenda 2030.

Citizen’s Platform vows to leave no one behind

2023-09-25T14:07:34+06:00December 11th, 2017|

There is a need to formulate appropriate policy framework and develop specific action plan accordingly to ensure the inclusion of marginalised and vulnerable groups of the society in the development process in a move to attain the core aspiration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – ‘Leave No One Behind (LNOB)’.

Let the Grassroots speak for SDG implementation in Bangladesh

2023-09-25T16:25:44+06:00May 21st, 2017|

The Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh co-hosted a dialogue with The Hunger Project to tap the grassroots’ voices regarding SDGs delivery in the country. The citizen's dialogue captioned Community intervention for SDG Delivery: Listening to the Grassroots Voices was held on Saturday 20 May 2017 at the CSS Ava Centre, Khulna.

Press reports on citizen’s dialogue captioned Community intervention for SDG Delivery: Listening to the Grassroots Voices

2018-09-04T12:29:48+06:00May 21st, 2017|

The Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh co-hosted a dialogue with The Hunger Project to tap the grassroots’ voices regarding SDGs delivery in the country. The citizen's dialogue captioned Community intervention for SDG [...]

Effective GO-NGO partnerships key for achieving the SDGs

2023-09-25T14:28:26+06:00May 19th, 2017|

Effective partnerships between government and non-government organisations (GO-NGO) built on trust, mutual respect and support will help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Bangladesh.

Leaving No One Behind: What does it mean for Bangladesh? A question looming large

2023-09-25T14:43:09+06:00April 7th, 2017|

 Presentation | Press Reports Who are being left out from the development outcomes in Bangladesh? Identifying these groups of population is critical as we conceptualise the marginalisation process in the [...]

First meeting of Communication Focal Persons of Partner orgnaisations held

2023-09-25T14:48:21+06:00February 1st, 2017|

A meeting for the Communication Focal Persons of the Partners of the Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh was organised to discuss how they can contribute to the  Platform website in [...]

Briefing the International Development Partners about the Platform

2023-09-25T15:09:28+06:00October 5th, 2016|

The Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh will track implementation of SDGs in Bangladesh, sensitise policymakers towards challenges in implementation and allocative efficiency in resource deployment, bring more transparency in the [...]

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