VNR has to enforce accountability of SDG Delivery

2023-09-24T16:47:57+06:00September 28th, 2020|

Voluntary National Review (VNR) is not just a report but a process. Five years of VNRs have been beneficial in view of meaningfully engaging stakeholders, providing important accountability and communication tools, monitoring Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) implementation while identifying gaps and integrating SDGs into national development plans.

VNR 2020 of Bangladesh: Positioning Non-State Actors

2023-09-24T17:07:30+06:00March 12th, 2020|

The Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh organised a national Conference titled “VNR 2020 of Bangladesh: Positioning Non-State Actors” on 11 March 2020 in Dhaka. The event was organised in association with, eleven (11) of its Partner Organisations, ActionAid Bangladesh, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), HEKS/EPER, Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), Nagorik Uddyog, Plan International Bangladesh, Save the Children in Bangladesh, Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), VSO Bangladesh, WaterAid Bangladesh and the World Vision Bangladesh.

Global partnership must leverage national SDG delivery: Debapriya at UN

2018-09-04T11:21:09+06:00July 15th, 2017|

The global 2030 Agenda is based on integrated and indivisible Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For greater benefit, countries would need to implement these Goals in an interlinked fashion. But for [...]

Voluntary National Review: Engaging Persons with Disabilities

2019-01-21T17:00:45+06:00June 12th, 2017|

[:en]In order to ensure participation of persons with disabilities in the VNR process, Access Bangladesh Foundation has organized a consultation with DRF Grantees under Bangladesh DRF Grantee Coordination Committee on 4 May, 2017 in CIRDAP auditorium titled “Voluntary National Review: Engaging Persons with Disabilities”.[:]

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