Bandhu Social Welfare Society (Bandhu)

Bandhu started its journey in 1996. It is formally registered with Ministry of Social welfare and NGO Affairs Bureau since July 1997. All activities of the organisation are in line with the guidance provided by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) and Ministry of Social Welfare (MOSW) of the Government of Bangladesh.  The principles, activities and approaches of Bandhu correspond to national priorities for health care interventions and directly linked with current National Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS response. Bandhu’s activities have significantly contributed to attaining Millennium Development Goals (MDG) by the government, particularly Goals 1, 3 and 6. Bandhu has developed its 4th Strategic Plan (2017-2021) to ensure that its program interventions on health and health rights, implemented through 37 well-equipped field health centers in 22 districts and 25 partner CBOs across the country, can add significant value to national response on health for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) particularly 1, 3, 5, 16 and 17.

Over the last 20 years Bandhu has expanded its work in the area of Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS and health rights and complementing and contributing to the national response in these areas which are under government focus.

Organisational & Communication Focal Person for the SDG Platform

Mr Md. Moshiur Rahman
Manager –Policy Advocacy & Human Rights


Mailing Address: 99 Kakrail (3rd and 4th Floor), Dhaka-1000
Phone: +88 (02) 9999898, 9356868, 58316041, 01711537656
Fax: +88 (02) 9330148
Social Media: FacebookTwitter


Bandhu’s Response to COVID-19 [Phase-06]

October 1st, 2020|COVID-19 Response|

Since last seven months of Covid-19 situation, the world almost has come to standstill due to Covid-19 situation. Though many countries are adopting non-therapeutic preventive measures that includes country lockdown, travel bans and social distancing but these restrictions severely impacted on economic growth.

Bandhu’s Response to COVID-19 [Phase-05]

September 1st, 2020|COVID-19 Response|

The year of 2020 is all about Covid-19 outbreak and how it is impacting and shaping people’s lives. The outbreak of Covid-19 has immensely affected millions of lives of people in Bangladesh from different angles and people from all intersection so the society.

Bandhu’s Response to COVID-19 [Phase-04]

August 1st, 2020|COVID-19 Response|

During the months long lockdown started due to Covid-19, since March 2020 in Bangladesh, the sudden outbreak disproportionately affected people from all intersections. From different intersections, the people living in poverty, older persons, persons with disabilities, gender diverse population, youths and people from indigenous communities.

Bandhu’s Response to COVID-19 [Phase-03]

July 1st, 2020|COVID-19 Response|

Only ten years left in achieving SDGs, and now we are facing a unique challenge posed by Covid-19. In Bangladesh, the sudden outbreak has disproportionately affected people from all intersections, including people living in poverty, older persons, persons with disabilities, gender diverse population, youth and people from indigenous communities.

Bandhu’s Response to COVID-19 [Phase-02]

June 1st, 2020|COVID-19 Response|

The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis of a completely different magnitude and this outbreak has affected all intersections of the population, including people living in poverty, older persons, persons with disabilities, youthand people from indigenous communities.

Bandhu’s Response to COVID-19 [Phase-01]

April 18th, 2020|COVID-19 Response|

The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis of a completely different magnitude and this outbreak has affected all intersections of the population, including people living in poverty, older persons, persons with disabilities, youthand people from indigenous communities.