Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) has developed a systematic localization strategy for supporting community people to achieve the SDGs through Community Radio Broadcasting. During the period of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Bangladesh achieved “remarkable progresses in line with 8 goals. The community radios in pursuing its goals had significant roles in the achievements of MDGs from rural level.
Such achievements are largely attributable to the resilience and creativity of the Bangladeshi people in finding innovative and low-cost solutions and empowering individual “agency,” especially of women. Community Radio Broadcasting sector is also one of the contributors where it facilitated empowering people, creating space and influencing power to contribute to MDGs localization at community level. One of the main lessons learned from the MDGs is the need to localize them through bottom up approach, in order to reflect differences across village to capital and capital to villagers in line with public service delivery, poverty alleviation and risk management.
BNNRC started reviewing process through workshops, research and information collection from community radio through a systematic process. The community radio broadcasters collected feedback on SDG from the community through daily programs, reporting in news, radio magazine programs, panel discussion / Talk-Show, phone-in, folk songs/music, drama, SDGs quiz etc.