The New Global Development Agenda- Peace and Security, Human Rights and Governance

2019-01-21T17:02:32+06:00March 22nd, 2017|

The Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh organised a dialogue on The New Global Development Agenda: Peace and Security, Human Rights and Governance on 18 March 2017 at Hotel Saint Martin, [...]

Rights, security, governance key for global development goals: Dr Debapriya

2018-09-04T12:34:21+06:00March 6th, 2017|

Published in New Age on Sunday, 05 March 2017 Rights, security, governance key for global development goals: Dr Debapriya Peace, security, human rights and good governance will be the key priority areas [...]

টেকসই উন্নয়ন অভীষ্ট অর্জনে সুশীল সমাজেরও দক্ষতা দরকার

2018-09-05T16:37:22+06:00November 22nd, 2016|

[:en]জাতিসংঘে অনুমোদিত টেকসই উন্নয়ন অভীষ্টসমূহ (এসডিজি) আগামী ২০৩০ সালের মধ্যে অর্জনের ক্ষেত্রে উন্নয়ন সহযোগী বেসরকারি প্রতিষ্ঠান তথা সুশীল সমাজ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করতে পারে।[:]

Govt should engage civil society in efforts for SDGs: analysts

2018-09-05T16:37:49+06:00November 21st, 2016|

The nongovernmental and civil society organisations need to enhance their capacities in understanding the SDG issues and identifying the implementation challenges, they said. They spoke at a workshop on “Appreciation course on 2030 agenda: framework issues and implementation challenges”, at Brac Conference Room in Dhaka on Saturday.

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