Published in The Financial Express on Sunday, 20 November 2016

FE Online Report

Inclusive approaches needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, said Dr Debapriya Bhattacharya, convenor of Citizen’s Platform for SDGs and distinguished fellow of Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), while addressing a workshop on Saturday.

It is important that the government engages the civil society in implementation process of the SGDs, he viewed, saying that the non-government and civil society organisations, therefore, need to enhance their capacities in understanding the SDG issues and identifying the implementation challenges.

The workshop, titled Appreciation Course on 2030 Agenda: Framework Issues and Implementation Challenges, was organised by the Citizen’s Platform for SDGs and the CPD at the BRAC Conference Room in Dhaka.

Addressing the programme, Citizen’s Platform convenor Dr Bhattacharya noted that the goals and targets of the SDGs are all integrated.

“It will require inclusive approaches and parallel processes from the relevant executive agencies in succeeding with the attainment of SDGs,” he said, adding that the role of the private sectors will be to identify the policy gaps that are potential constraints to the process, and support the government in its efforts to achieving the SDGs.

Forty-two executives from 36 partnering organisations of the Platform took part in the workshop.

Core group member of the Platform and CPD Executive Director Professor Mustafizur Rahman also attended the workshop.

Prof Mustafizur Rahman focused on institutional frameworks for SDGs’ implementation, finance, and availability and adequacy of data to monitor its progress, in his speech at the event.