Introduction of the organisation
A couple of introductory sentences about your organisation:
Unnayan Sangha (US) is a non-governmental, non-political and not for profit organization working since 1980 to improve socioeconomic conditions of the disadvantaged group of the people. It has been working in 10 different districts. As part of development works Unnayan Sangha has taken some activities to prevent COVID-19 which is creating unbearable situation worldwide.
Programmatic interventions in response to COVID-19
A brief on the programmatic interventions your organisation has undertaken in response to COVID-19. Mention the targeted population, size of the population, inputs and activities being done so far, challenges being faced at the field. Photos, infographics can be added at this section:
Unnayan Sangha has been implementing different activities on COVID-19 from 18 March’2020. By this time the organization has distributed 30000 posters/leaflets, 5000 masks, 5000 soaps and organized more than 2000 demonstration on hand washing, arranged small group meeting with about 5 lakh households and 270 sex workers at Jamalpur brothel in Jamalpur and Sherpur districts for consciousness development and for making them regular in practicing hand wash, cleanliness households surroundings and use of masks. The activities are continuing more or less maintaining precautionary measures by the staff and volunteers. It is mentioned that a portion of the people do not follow directives of the government and WHO. They are creating more or less mass gathering. Many of the day labors like rickshaw poolers, van drivers, mason, garment and other factory workers lost their job due to COVID-19 spread out. All of them are in problems to get food and other items for their daily life. The local administration, local government and little number of NGOs are providing relief which is not enough to cover all vulnerable HHs.
Future outlook and recommendations
What are the lessons learnt from the COVID-19 response till date? What are the anticipated future challenges? Mention any specific issue which should be addressed through policy interventions on the part of government, international development partners, private sector, other national/local organizations:
Presently Unnayan Sangha is taking preparation to provide support with soaps, masks, hand sanitizers and food package (rice, lentils, salt, potato and soya bin oil) for 5000 households in Jamalpur and Sherpur districts. At the same time the organization has been communicating different donors/sources for supporting more 15000 HHs those who are jobless and suffering from crisis relating food and other necessary items for their livelihoods. It has also plan to do something with the community people of whole area of Mymensingh division. It is assumed that the poverty can be increased, corruptions can be created a painful situation and dependency might be made people worthless. Considering this assumption, Unnayan Sangha thinks that the support for WASH, women empowerment, youth’s engagement in different income generating activities, child protection related works and employment generation should be undertaken after coming back normal situation from COVID-19 crisis.