National Convention 2018: Ensuring the rights of Dalits and Plain land Adibashis

2018-11-19T16:47:38+06:00November 19th, 2018|

In a statement Dr Gowher Rizvi, International Affairs Advisor to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh, said, "To achieve Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs by 2030, we all have to move forward together. And for this reason, we will have to acknowledge Dalits and indigenous people."

Media Fellowship Announced to Promote Dalit and Adibashi Rights Issues

2018-10-04T12:23:37+06:00October 4th, 2018|

A media fellowship has been announced by HEKS/EPER for working print and broadcast journalists on 2nd October 2018 to encourage journalists to promote Dalit and plainland Adibashi rights issues. At a workshop on ‘Rights of the Dalits and Plainland Adibashis: Role of the Media’ organized by HEKS/EPER and Creative Media Ltd. (CML) at Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU), HEKS/EPER announced the ‘Journalist Fellowship Programme’.

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