The Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh, as a part of its continuous efforts has recently launched a youth survey titled, “বাংলাদেশের নীতিনির্ধারণে যুবদের ভাবনা”

The survey is a part of the recent youth initiative, “Strengthening the stakes of ‘disengaged’ youth during the dual transition of Bangladesh”.

The broad objective of conducting this survey is to engage youth and other disadvantaged population groups in the democratic accountability process.

The findings will bring out the perceptions of the disengaged youth.

Following the survey, Citizen’s Platform intends to organize a Youth Conference to disseminate the survey findings. This conference will bring together youth from both inside and outside Dhaka, as well as relevant public officials, youth groups, activists, youth representatives from the private sector, and international development partners. Additionally, the survey results will be utilized to shape other critical aspects of the initiative.

Furthermore, the survey will involve collaboration with youth-led and youth-serving organizations, both partner and non-partner entities like; ActionAid Bangladesh, Bandhu, Dhrubotara Youth Development Foundation (DYDF), EDUCO Bangladesh, HEKS/EPER, JAAGO Foundation, Kapaeeng Foundation, Manusher Jonne Foundation (MJF), Naripokkho, Plan International, The Hunger Project (THP), Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), UNYSAB, WaterAid (WA), Woman with Disabilities Development Foundation (WDDF), Yes BD, Youth for Change