Briefing Note No. 4: Experiences from the current situation at the grassroots level – Achievements and challenges

2023-11-08T15:27:05+06:00October 4th, 2020|

This Briefing Note has been prepared based on the outcome of the virtual dialogue titled “Experiences from the current situation at the grassroots level: Achievements and challenges” held on 8 July 2020.It was attended by 80 professionals including development activists, business leaders, researchers, academics, youth representatives, and journalists who are actively engaged in dealing with the COVID-19 induced challenges across the country.

Briefing Note 3: New Challenges for SDGs and Budget 2020-21

2023-11-08T15:27:21+06:00October 4th, 2020|

This document puts forward grassroots level insights as regards the challenges faced by different marginalised communities and the private sector as a consequence of the pandemic. A number of sectoral issues, particularly relevant in view of the SDGs, were also discussed. The takeaways from this briefing note might be useful for formulating an effective public policy response to tackle the COVID-19 induced challenges towards SDG attainment in Bangladesh.

Briefing Note 2: Outcome document of the virtual dialogue on “Post-‘General Holidays’ Health Risks”

2023-11-08T15:27:31+06:00June 14th, 2020|

This document has been prepared with the aim to provide some specific actionable policy recommendations to the concerned authorities based on the issues and challenges identified through the discussion at the Platform dialogue. It is hoped that the findings from this briefing note will be useful for formulating an effective strategy towards better coordination and management of the COVID-19 challenges in the country, which would assure the citizens on overcoming the crisis sustainably.

Briefing Note 1: Outcome document of the virtual media briefing on “Strengthening Effectiveness of the Non-State Actors’ in COVID-19 Response Activities”

2023-11-08T15:27:39+06:00June 13th, 2020|

This document summarises the observations of the Partners of the Citizen’s Platform, as well as those of the members of the Core Group of the Platform, derived from the experience of more than 100 non-state actors. These Partner organisations and their associates are intensively engaged in confronting the COVID-19 pandemic at the grassroots level, across the country. The present briefing note seeks to elicit policy response towards the challenges that the non-state development actors are facing while undertaking their coronavirus-related activities.

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