COVID-19 has become a global crisis. The aggressive infection nature has made it most communicative disease of the century. In the recent past world hasn’t experience such threat for entire human being. To fight against the global threat a collective effort is needed. World leaders and national leaders have taken self defense actions for own nation. We know that everybody are very aware that the current unusual situation (epidemic of Covid-19) is how much serious. We are passing the severe unwanted situation for the affect of Corona Virus (Covid-2019). Beside government, local implementing development partners can play a vital role by raising awareness about the communicative nature of the virus and it’s preventing procedure.
At this time we are passing government declared general vacation and it will continue up to 25th April 2020. In this crisis period National Development Programme (NDP) is active with its committed staff and volunteers besides government and non government initiative. During the crisis period NDP has already done the following activities in its working area:
Situation of Respective districts:
Overall situation:
A total 2948 people have tested positive for Covid-19 during the period (IEDCR 20.04.2020). 101 people have died by corona infection. whereas 13 April 2020 total 803 people had tested positive. But after 07 day’s corona positive people have increased to 2145. Day by day corona infected people are increasing geometric rate and disease breakout the whole country. In the meantime, Dhaka, Narayanganj, Chattogram, Tangail and some other districts are lock downed.
Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions are also in very risky position. About 56 (Rajshahi 09 and Rangpur 47) people of these two divisions’ are infected by corona virus till 19.04.20. Everyday people of Dhaka and Narayanganj are coming in North districts. They do not follow home or institutional quarantine. Many districts, upazilas and unions of Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions’ are lock downed. Many people of these two divisions’ especially Sirajganj, Rajshahi, Rangpur and Kurigram districts’ already have been lost their job. They are passing their life with difficulties. – Specially day labor are suffering very much like riksaw puller, auto driver. Cng driver local bus driver, helper, street hooker, small business and lots of others income related/professions related people. They have no income in this situation. Some of households has no preserve food that’s why they are suffering from starting of government general leave declaration. Most of the HH has finished their preserved food and now the need help for food, Health, Wash and others materials
Children and Women Impact by the Corona Virus
Children and women are most vulnerable for not getting health services due to no income of the family head. Especially pregnant women and lactating mother are facing more difficulties. Due to outbreak of covid 19 virus those from marginalized communities and with disabilities, may be particularly affected by the secondary impacts. COVID-19 pandemic are putting children and w omen at heightened risk of violence in the home and cutting them off from essential protection services and social networks. Evidence from past epidemics indicates healthcare resources are often diverted from routine health services. This further reduces the limited access of many girls and young women to sexual and reproductive health services, as well as maternal, new-born and child health services. Challenges in accessing sexual and reproductive health information services – including contraception, safe abortion and HIV medications- will exacerbate the risks to girls’ and women’s health and lives. Sexual and reproductive health and rights must not be de-prioritized. They are essential life-saving services
which need to be part of the critical response to this crisis.
The COVID-19 crisis has a potentially far-reaching, long-term negative impact on children around the world, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The impact is likely to be devastating, even though children who contract COVID-19 appear to have less severe symptoms and lower mortality rates than other age groups. The risks posed by the COVID-19 crisis to children are enormous. Report on daily newspaper dated 9 April 2020, A 10 years old girl of Belkuchi upazila of Sirajganj district has committed to suicide due to food crisis of her family.

Md. Alauddin khan, Executive director, Handed over a check of 200,000 Tk. to the Deputy Commissioner, Md. Faruque Ahmed, Sirajganj
What activities to be taken against COVID-19
- At this situation need to provide livelihood support poor people specially middle class .poor and day labor
- Raising awareness among the people on COVID-19 by using miking and distribute liflet and one by on HH visit
- To establish hand washing devices in different point where gathered people.
- To distribute hand sanitizer to the most vulnerable people who are out of income sources at this situation
- To distribute food package among the poor people and day labor;
- To provide the personal protection equipment (PEP) for volunteer
- To provide the detergent/soap/savlon among the poor household
- To provide the sanitary napkin/ and personal hygiene education among the woman and girl
- To provide the general medicine like napa
- To provide the gloves and musk for poor and day labor
- To provide the spray machine for union, bazaar committee, mosk, and other places.

Md. Alauddin khan, Executive director, Handed over a check of 200,000 Tk. to the Deputy Commissioner, Md. Kabir Mahmud, Pabna
In this crisis period, people of our community especially extreme poor and day labor has been suffering food crisis because they couldn’t move. We think, this is the proper time to stand beside them.