পিপলস ডেভলপমেন্ট সোসাইটি (পিডিএস)

2022-02-17T15:33:19+06:00February 17th, 2022|

Location: নরসিংদী Email: ngo.pds@gmail.com Mission and Vision: মিশনঃ যুব সমাজের অবক্ষয় রোধ ও ক্ষমতায়ন। ভিশনঃযুব নেতৃত্ব তৈরি,আর্থ সামাজিক উন্নয়ন,যুব সমাজের হতাশা দূর করা ইত্যাদি Target population/beneficiaries: Youth (Age between 18-35), [...]

Social Development Programme (SODEP)

2022-02-17T13:22:39+06:00February 17th, 2022|

Social Development Programme (SODEP) Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sodep.shariatpur/ Email: sodepbd@yahoo.com Mission and Vision: SODEP wants that all types of disparity, discrimination, torture and injustices are removed from the society. SODEP wishes [...]

Seba Parishad (SP)

2022-03-01T11:59:01+06:00February 17th, 2022|

Location: Sherpur Email: sebasherpur@gmail.com Mission and Vision: SP envisages a well organized, educated and empowered gender discrimination free society, exploitation deprivation, malpractice and hunger (material & spiritual) where the people, [...]

Manob Kallayan Swabolombi Songstha (MKSS)

2022-02-09T15:22:01+06:00February 9th, 2022|

MKSS is to attain qualitative improvement of living condition of the target group. the distressed deprived and hardcore poor men & women raising their consciousness, developing human resource and providing facilities and support for their self reliance through employment, self or wage, itself working as guide & catalyst.


2022-03-01T13:41:27+06:00February 3rd, 2022|

Location: Rajbari Road, Rangamati Website: www.taungya.org Email: taungyacht@gmail.com Target population/beneficiaries: Adivasi Climate vulnerable population Policy makers Population in hard-to reach areas Women and children Youth (Age between 18-35) Geographical coverage: [...]


2022-02-02T17:57:06+06:00February 2nd, 2022|

Equal opportunity, Empowerment and lively-hood development of the people bring a positive change in the society.  


2022-02-02T16:06:33+06:00February 2nd, 2022|

Location: Nabinagar, Brahmanbaria Website: www.hope96.com Email: a_kollul@yahoo.com Target population/beneficiaries: Persons with disabilities Population in hard-to reach areas Women and children Youth (Age between 18-35) Geographical coverage: Sub-National level Type and [...]

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