Location: Rajbari Road, Rangamati
Website: www.taungya.org
Email: taungyacht@gmail.com
Target population/beneficiaries:
- Adivasi
- Climate vulnerable population
- Policy makers
- Population in hard-to reach areas
- Women and children
- Youth (Age between 18-35)
Geographical coverage: Sub-National level
Type and focus:
- Not youth led but has youth centric programmes
- Others
- Youth volunteer organisation
Focus/areas of current programme:
- Women Empowerment
- Health
- Nutrition and Population
- Advocacy and Awareness Building
- Others (Activating Village Court of Bangladesh-Phase-II)
The main areas of the youth programme(s): Youth awareness campaign
Title of the programme (1): Menstrual Health Awareness
Duration or time period: 2019-2023
Targeted beneficiaries:
- Young Women (Age between 18-35)
- Others (Empowerment of Traditional leaders in CHT)
Districts covered: Rangamati
Youth involvement: Actively/directly engaged in project management
Government Ministries and/or Departments involved: Ministry of Women and Children Affairs