Introduction of the organization
Light House a national level CSO that was borne through responding food victims of gigantic flood that happen countrywide during 1997 & 1988. Under the leadership of Mr. Harun -Or- Rashid a group of young people were come forward to support flood victim and feel encourage to form this organization called Light House. Over the three decade, it be able earned people trusteeship across the country. It has been working with a group of socially excluded people, Sexual and Ethnic minorities, children, youth, poor and other deprive people. It’s emerged as a rights and services providing agency that used to make partnership with other CSO, media, development partners and government agencies.
Programmatic interventions in response to COVID-19

UPZ Chairman inaugurate the Mask & soap distribution activity
Light House has given high priority to save people from coronavirus. It has formed a high power committee at central level to address this pandemic situation. Firstly-We have prepared and equipped our 550 staff, how to protect themselves. Hand gloves, hand sanitizer, musk and soap has been distributed to them accordingly;
Secondly: we took immediate steps to save our community including socially excluded people;
- Light House, printed 5,000 awareness materials including leaflets and banners on coronavirus and distributed among general people including our target peoples;
- Light House installed some hand washing basin in the pubic place -at central Bus-Terminal, at 2 Slums at Bogura distict town;
- It has distributed over 3,000 hygiene kits among the brothel based sex workers for around 3,800 brothel residents of 11 brothels across the country;
- A total of 118 volunteers from “Responsible” project has been conducting awareness activities through distributing leaflet among 14,266 marginalized households to protect Coronavirus.
To protect this virus “Responsible” project has distribute mask and soap among 1,100 representatives of marginalized people and citizen support group (CSG) members.
Project Officer and Mayor of Dhunat Municipality distributes leaflets to prevent Coronavirus.
Eleven of our CSG members have joined in the Government Covid-19 Response Committee at municipality and union level.
Future outlook and recommendations
- In the context of the current coronavirus prevention system, there will be a widespread food crisis in the middle and lower middle class families. In this situation it is important to ensure food security and survival package to them.
- Livelihood support such as IGA support by issuing small amount fund in the form of a revolving loan.
- It also taken initiates for street based sex worker to provide hygiene kits and basic food as well;
- Light House keep open of it’s four clinics in the Rangpur City corporation area and ready to serve corona affected people if govt decided.
- Light House received grants commitments to provide support to Ruhinga refugee;
See more of Light House’s work in COVID-19 response; facebook: Light House BD