- Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Chattogram Consultation Gallery
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Chattogram Consultation
8. Decent work and economic growth, Chattogram, Consultation, Event, Geographic Location, Giving voices to the Left Behind, Income, LNOB, Meeting, Religion and Ethnicity, SDG, Sub National
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Chattogram Consultation
Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh, in collaboration with Ghashful, organised its seventh sub-national consultation meeting in Chattogram on Sunday, 2 October 2022. The purpose of this consultation was to bring together the stakeholder representatives of Chattogram and gather their perspectives regarding “development” of their locality.
- Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Rangamati Consultation Gallery
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Rangamati Consultation
8. Decent work and economic growth, Consultation, Event, Geographic Location, Giving voices to the Left Behind, Income, LNOB, Meeting, Rangamati, Religion and Ethnicity, SDG, Sub National
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Rangamati Consultation
Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh, organised its sixth sub-national consultation meeting in Rangamati on Saturday, 1 October 2022 which was preceded by a series of meetings in Rangpur, Khulna, Tangail, Sylhet and Thakurgaon.
- Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Thakurgaon Consultation Gallery
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Thakurgaon Consultation
8. Decent work and economic growth, Consultation, Event, Geographic Location, Giving voices to the Left Behind, Income, LNOB, Meeting, Religion and Ethnicity, SDG, Sub National, Thakurgaon
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Thakurgaon Consultation
Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh, in association with HEKS/EPER and Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO), organised its fifth Citizen’s Consultation Meeting in Thakurgaon, on Saturday, 24 September 2022. The earlier meetings were held in Rangpur, Khulna, Tangail and Sylhet.
- Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Sylhet Consultation Gallery
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Sylhet Consultation
8. Decent work and economic growth, Consultation, Event, Geographic Location, Giving voices to the Left Behind, Income, LNOB, Meeting, Religion and Ethnicity, SDG, Sub National, Sylhet
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Sylhet Consultation
Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh, organised a consultation meeting in Sylhet on Saturday, 13 August 2022. This is the fourth in a series of discussions, preceded by meetings in Rangpur, Khulna, and Tangail. The subsequent two consultations will be in Thakurgaon and Chittagong.
- Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Tangail Consultation Gallery
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Tangail Consultation
8. Decent work and economic growth, Consultation, Event, Geographic Location, Giving voices to the Left Behind, Income, LNOB, Meeting, Religion and Ethnicity, SDG, Sub National, Tangail
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Tangail Consultation
Citizen's Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh organised a consultation meeting in Tangail on Saturday, 31 July 2022. This is the third in a series of discussions, preceded by meetings in Rangpur and Khulna. The subsequent two consultations will be for the Sylhet and Chittagong districts.
- Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Khulna Consultation Gallery
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Khulna Consultation
8. Decent work and economic growth, Consultation, Event, Geographic Location, Giving voices to the Left Behind, Income, Khulna, LNOB, Meeting, Religion and Ethnicity, SDG, Sub National
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Khulna Consultation
Citizen's Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh organised a consultation meeting in Khulna on Saturday, 2 July 2022. This is the second in a series of discussions, preceded by meeting in Rangpur. The subsequent two consultations will be for Tangail and Sylhet districts.
- Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Rangpur Consultation Gallery
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Rangpur Consultation
8. Decent work and economic growth, Consultation, Event, Geographic Location, Giving voices to the Left Behind, Income, LNOB, Meeting, Rangpur, Religion and Ethnicity, SDG, Sub National
Giving Voice to the “Left Behind”: Rangpur Consultation
Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh organised a consultation meeting in Rangpur on Saturday, 4 June 2022 in Begum Rokeya Auditorium, RDRS, Rangpur. This is the first in a series of discussions and will be followed by consultations in Khulna and Tangail.