Introduction of the organization:
Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) founded in 1958 with the motto “Divine and Humanitarian Service” and core values of humanity, spirituality, humility, equality and equity, caring for nature, honesty and morality. Considering the post-2015 era of global development, DAM has developed its organizational 10 years Strategy Plan 2015-2025 aiming to improve the living condition of the vulnerable people and resilience building. DAM has intensive experience of disaster management since 1988 and undertaken short, medium and long-term response & rehabilitation activities in different disasters. DAM commitment to transcend the humanitarian principles and space in all spam of project implementation and reinforcing the importance of respecting human dignity and community engagement.
Programmatic interventions in response to COVID-19:
A) Awareness Building Campaign:
DAM has started awareness building programme for ‘hand washing’, ‘social distancing’, and ‘self-quarantine. As on 15th April 2020, DAM reached to 204,445 individual beneficiaries with clear guidelines on what to do and undertake awareness campaigns using mobile phone, electronic, print and social media. Health sector of DAM distributed 155,000 leaflets containing precautionary messages. DAM Health Sector has been continuously organizing orientation and demonstration and update meetings for the service providers and Facebook live on Covid-19: (; Festoons and other materials are being placed in different sites of the Rohingya camps In Cox’s Bazar for raising awareness and keeping them safe. DAM stopped all visits and courtyard sessions to adhere to the social distancing protocol. The information sheet is Annexed as Annex -1.
B) Ensured Staff Safety:
DAM ensured the safeties of all full time 4,588 staff and frontline 919 staff. DAM supplied hand sanitizers in 195 field offices, 32 institutions including head office. All offices now remain closed according to government declared general holidays to prevent the transmission of coronavirus. Staffs are working from home. The leaflet, audio message, live face book, information sheet, staff safety guideline and necessary items of cleanliness have been distributed. DAM Health Sector has provided hand sanitizers, PPE to the health service providers since the beginning of the COVID 19 outbreak. The kit contained three reusable full set PPE, and disposable PPE (gloves, masks, caps, gowns and shoe covers). DAM has provided online training/orientation to 1,000 staff on Covid 19 and three batches (75 person) specialized online training has given to the health professionals including doctors with a special module.
C) Developed IEC materials, Operational Guidelines, training/ orientation Module:
Health sector of DAM developed leaflet, festoon, a guideline for PPE measures, guideline for Drug Treatment Center, Khudba on Corona Virus, Guideline for Community Health Worker, Guidelines for Ukhiya and Teknaf Camp Drivers and staff management guideline which reflects the WHO, CDC, IEDCR and DGHS recommendations.
D) Health Support through 40 Health Centre:
Health sector of DAM is providing day to day health support through 40 static health centers in different parts of the country. The process is going on to obtain an ambulance for health centers, if emergency transport is required for any infected patient of Covid 19. So, it’s required to take more drastic and strong initiatives in order to ensure health safety of the clinical staffs. DAM stored emergency medications and still in consultation with pharmaceutical companies to ensure the supply chain of medicines in case the situation worsens.
E) Provide Food and WASH/ Hygiene package support:
E.1. DAM has completed 1st round food and Hygiene package support to 1201 beggars from its own fund. The package contains Rice – 20 KG, Lintel – 1 Kg, Soyabin-1 liter, Salt-1 Kg, Sugar-1 KG, Potato -3 KG, Onion-1 KG. The total value of the support was BDT 20,00,000/=
E.2 DAM has completed 2nd round food support to the 600 vulnerable HH in Dhaka North and South City Corporation with the support of Rahim Group. The food package for each family was: Rice – 20 KG, Flatten Rice – 500 gm, Lintel – 1 Kg, Soyabin-1 liter, Salt-1 Kg, Sugar-1 KG, Potato -5 KG, Onion-1 KG, Garlic-0.5 KG, Spice-0.25 KG. The total value of the support was BDT 20,00,000/=
E.3 Dhaka Ahsania Mission has formed the consortium with CDD, SOF and SRWOT- Bangladesh and are going to provide the Food and Hygiene support to 600 HH with the financial support of Oxfam under Humanitarian Response Grant Facility (HRGF). The support will be provided to the day laborers, rickshaw pullers, small shop owners, hawkers, beggars and other low-income people of ward no 2 & 4 of Savar municipality and ward no. 3, 11 & 20 of Dhaka North City Corporation. The food package has been selected based on the food security cluster recommendation and each family (HH) will receive Rice – 60 KG, Flour -13 KG, Lintel – 2 Kg, Soyabin- 3 Liter’s, Salt – 1 Kg, Sugar – 1 KG.
The Minimum WASH/ Hygiene package will be distributed to 600 HH and package selected by Hygiene Technical Working group. The items of the WASH package are: Bathing Soap (125 gm)-10 Pcs, Detergent Soap – I KG, non-disposable Sanitary napkin – 8 Pcs, Bucket with lid and tape (20L) – 1 Pcs, Disposable Surgical mask- 50 Pcs, Plastic Mug-1 Pcs, two pager IEC (color printed). The total value of the support: BDT 4,357,500.00/=
The major challenges are to Identify the most vulnerable communities maintaining social distance and then sharing this information with stakeholders in advance of a possible disease outbreak, deal with stress management and psychosocial issues, particularly the staff safety and security. However, DAM is aiming to reach those in need ethically, and to ensure the safety and security of humanitarian workers.
Future outlook and recommendations:
According to “Multi Sectoral Anticipatory Impact Analysis and Needs Assessment” Report and considering the current context, DAM has focused to provide support through Health services, Economic package, WASH support and Social Communication/Education package. It has planned to reach 40,000 HH at the initial stage through mobilizing resources from different source.