Sightsavers’ Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

2020-04-15T12:10:21+06:00April 15th, 2020|

Sightsavers, in fact, is not an emergency humanitarian action based organisation. Our works rather focus on sustainable development in areas of eye health, social inclusion and education. However, considering the severe adversity of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Sightsavers has made a number of interventions in response of COVID-19 along with the traditional way of doing our activities.

The COVID-19 pandemic Response by HEKS/EPER

2020-04-15T01:58:25+06:00April 15th, 2020|

Since the COVID-19 pandemic occurred in Bangladesh, HEKS/EPER is keeping cautious eyes on the situation. This intervention includes options for diverse members of the targeted plainland indigenous/Adibashi, Dalit and bottom poor people from mainstream communities’ households including women and men, people with disability, elderly people, children and adolescents.

COVID-19: How Community Radios Broadcasting Coronavirus Education

2020-04-16T00:07:20+06:00April 15th, 2020|

The COVID -19 demands cooperation among government, CSOs, local business communities, multi-stakeholders. BNNRC are continuing work 24x7 to reach rural communities in Bangladesh with life-changing information through the community radio.

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