Bangladesh along with other 186 countries all over the world is struggling to manage the global crisis, COVID-19. The virus is spreading rapidly in many countries and the death toll is still climbing. A significant number of affected persons are recovering from the infection. Till yesterday, the total number of reported cases is about 3951905, the death toll reaches 275067 In Bangladesh, the death toll from the deadly virus rises to 214 and the number of total infected persons stands at 13770. However, 2414 infected persons have been recovered. Bangladesh appears to be the only country in the world where the Covid-19 death rate is higher than the recovery rate. More than 500 doctors and Nurses at government, private and specialized hospitals were infected with Covid-19 which is also alarming to Bangladesh context. The situation of COVID-19 is worsening every day in Bangladesh and essential health services and food supplies for the poorest communities are still very low.

According to the Institute of Epidemiology Disease Control and Research (IEDCR), there are now 31 laboratories in Bangladesh that can carry out coronavirus tests. Which seems very minimum for a country of 170 million people. The Bangladesh Government has taken various steps to control the contagion and almost lock down the country. The law and enforce along with the Army are deployed to keeping the people at home but now the restrictions is going in relax mode. it is hopeful that though the government had announced that shopping centers and malls would reopen today ahead of Eid, most owners in Dhaka and Chattogram cities have decided to keep close the markets and malls as the number of Corona cases are scaling up day by day.

The pandemic already broken the local supply chain and it may affect the grassroots people in the country, particularly on the rural entrepreneurs as well as on the microcredit enterprises running by the NGOs. It will be a great threat for the rural economy to reestablish the supply chain and recover the losses. That is appreciable that the GOB has declared 18 stimulus packages amounting to BDT. 95,619 crore equivalent to 3.3 percent of the country’s GDP to tackle the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic has become the most crucial global humanitarian challenge of all time, triggering a deep economic crisis. With the falling pressures on the economy, the global job market has seen a spike in unemployment. No doubt, the pandemic of coronavirus will make a long and wide consequence on the world economy and obviously on Bangladesh in many ways. The NGOs of Bangladesh are not out of this. Obviously this big development sector will also face a crucial challenge for the COVID-19 pandemic. People across the country are now passing days with the biggest anxiety. Countrywide lockdown creates unpredicted sufferings in daily life that depend on daily income. The National and Local NGOs are providing support all over the country with their own resource from the beginning of the crisis. Local-level NGOs are creating awareness, providing health, water and sanitation service as well as distributing food to the most vulnerable and hard to reach people. ADAB, the coordination body of NGOs in Bangladesh initiated its online communication regarding awareness against Corona from the very first day. The communication cell is broadcasting daily updates on Corona as well as disseminating different consciousness rising massages within its network using social media and other electronic communication. The NGOs under the ADAB’s network are continuing their supports for combatting COVID-19. This report is a synopsis of the activities done by ADAB and it’s member organization up to May 09, 2020.

CORONA Response Supports:

  • Cash Support to District & Upazilla Admin. 45,71,597.00
  • Cash Donation to the PM Office: 57,75,937.00
  • Cash Support at vulnerable families: 6,32,65,043.00
  • Emergency food distribution: 82,078 families.
  • Packet lunch/Dinnar distribution: 11,465 person.
  • Leaflet distribution: 18,04,561
  • Face Mask distribution: 5,16,812
  • Hand Senitizer distribution:64,776
  • Soap Distribution:2,95,823
  • Detergent/Bleaching Powder distribution:4951 KG
  • Hand wash point setting up:1213 places
  • Bananr, Festoon, Billboard setting up:2589 places
  • Hygiene Kit Distribution: 35153 Family,
  • Hand Goves:15427 pr.
  • Bucket & Spry Machine:1480
  • PPE:4707 no

Besides, 16 (Sixteen) different Community Redio including Redio Sagargiri of YPSA in Chittagong, Redio Sagardwip of Dwip Unnayan Sangstha in Hatiya, Redio Padma of Center for Communication Development in Rajshahi, Redio Mohananda of Proyas Manabik Unnayan Sangstha in Chapainowabgang, Redio Boral of Secchasebee Bohumukhi Mohila Somaj Kallayan Sangstha in Rajshahi, Redio Lok Betar of Community Based Development Program in Barguna, Redio Naf of ACLAB in Cox’sbazar, Redio Jenuk of Srezony Foundation in Jhenaidah and Redio Sarabela of SKS Foundation in Gaibandha is broadcasting update news and awareness massage on Corona prevention regularly.

Besides, some NGOs are engaged in spreading bleaching powder in different Municipality and village markets.

NGOs clinic and health centers are providing health advice and medical support regularly as well as initiated tele-medicine services also.

DESHA at Kushtia allocated 25 rooms of DESHA tower for accommodation for the doctors engaged in corona treatment.

GUK, Gaibabdha is broadcasting awareness messages through Online Television Channel “ Prantic” and disseminating using local newspaper and Social Media.

SKS Foundation Gaibandha has already initiated a 100 bedded isolation center in Ansar VDP Building in Gaibandha.

Uttaran, Satkhera has provided Medical kit to different hospital including Goggles, Oxygen Flow meter, Liquid soap, Sanitary Pad, Nebulizer Machine, Oxygen Cylinder and Spray Machine etc.

Caritas Bangladesh provided emergency health kits including Thermal scanner, surgical gloves, Goggles, Surgical mask, Gown, Sanitizer, Bio-hazard bag, Safety box, Liquid Soap Tissue box Torch light to different Hospital. And delivering Corona prevention massages using mobile phone SMS as well.

Some organization are also involves in awareness rising by miking, and also distributing first aid medicine to the vulnerable people.


  • Leaflet, Face Mask, Hand Senitizer, Soap distribution will be continued as regular basis. Hand wash point will be set up in more places
  • Emergency food distribution to the vulnerable families will be continued according to the fund availability.
  • Cooperation and Coordination support will be as regular basis with food distribution activities under the Government.
  • Different development friends are being contacting from ADAB to seek their support regarding Corona prevention as well as other related assistance mainly food for the poorer segment.
  • Concerned Ministry and GOB high officials are being communicating for ensuring stimulus packages for NGOs and CSOs in COVID 19 context as well seeking greater cooperation and coordination in COVID-19 response.


See more of ADAB’s work in COVID-19 response: