Location: দামুড়হুদা, চুয়াডাঙ্গা।
Website/Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WARP.Bangladesh
Email: warp.bangladesh@yahoo.com
Mission and Vision:
Mission: To make and promote a dynamic and significant participatory sustainable development process of the poor people.
Vision: To make a confident and responsible nation free from poverty and indignity, which its citizen can lead an active life of freedom and livelihood security. Goal: To improve socio-economic status of the rural poor and under privileged people, rephrasing the woman and children and also empowerment through undertaking appropriate and sustainable programs.
Target population/beneficiaries: Youth (Age between 18-35), Policy makers, Women and children, Persons with disabilities, Population in hard-to reach areas, Others
Geographical coverage: Sub-National level
Type and focus: Not youth led but has youth centric programmes, Youth network
Focus/areas of current programme: Quality education, Employment, Vocational Education & Training and Skills Development, Adivasi Rights and Development, Health, Nutrition and Population, Agriculture & Food Security, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Advocacy and Awareness Building, Humanitarian Response, Others
The main areas of the youth programme(s): যুব উদ্যোক্তা উন্নয়ন [Youth entrepreneurship development]
Title of the programme (1): যুব নেটওয়ার্কিং প্রকল্প
Duration or time period:
Targeted beneficiaries: Young Women (Age between 18-35)
Districts covered: Chuadanga
Youth involvement: Actively/directly engaged in project delivery and implementation
Government Ministries and/or Departments involved: Ministry of Youth and Sports