Social Development Programme (SODEP)

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Mission and Vision: SODEP wants that all types of disparity, discrimination, torture and injustices are removed from the society. SODEP wishes that everybody is respectful to their gender, caste, creed and religious beliefs which are enabling to live in peace and harmony. SODEP dream an enlightened, healthy and democratic society free from hunger, poverty, environmental degradation and all forms of exploitation based on age, sex, religion and ethnicity. SODEP fight for the alleviation of poverty and empowerment of the women, people with disabilities and vulnerable and needy community.

Target population/beneficiaries:

  • Climate vulnerable population
  • Migrants
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Senior Citizen (60+ years)
  • Women and children
  • Youth (Age between 18-35)

Geographical coverage: Sub-National level

Type and focus: Not youth led but has youth centric programmes

Focus/areas of current programme:

  • Agriculture & Food Security
  • Employment
  • Gender Equality
  • Human Rights and Legal Aid Services
  • Humanitarian Response
  • Microfinance
  • Quality education
  • Rights to children
  • Vocational Education & Training and Skills Development
  • Women Empowerment

The main areas of the youth programme(s): Youth awareness campaign

Title of the programme (1): Youth Employment

Duration or time period: Continuing

Targeted beneficiaries: Young Men (Age between 18-35)

Districts covered:

  • Madaripur
  • Shariatpur

Youth involvement: Actively/directly engaged in project design and conceptualization

Government Ministries and/or Departments involved:

Title of the programme (2) An effort to march youth with disabilities of Madaripur district to the mainstream people

Duration or time period: 2019-2021

Targeted beneficiaries:

  • Young Men (Age between 18-35)
  • Young Women (Age between 18-35)

Districts covered: Madaripur

Youth involvement: Actively/directly engaged in project design and conceptualization