Location: Banani, Dhaka

Website: www.sightsavers.org

Email: info@sightsavers.org

Mission and Vision: Sightsavers’ vision is of a world where no one is blind from avoidable causes and where people with disabilities participate equally in society.

Mission: Our mission is to prevent avoidable blindness and fight for disability rights.

Target population/beneficiaries:

  • Persons with disabilities
  • Policy makers
  • Senior Citizen (60+ years)
  • Third gender
  • Women and children
  • Youth (Age between 18-35)

Geographical coverage: Both (National and Sub-National)

Type and focus:

  • Not youth led but has youth centric programmes
  • Youth led and youth centric programmes
  • Youth network

Focus/areas of current programme:

  • Quality education
  • Employment
  • Soft skills development programme
  • Vocational Education & Training and Skills Development
  • Women Empowerment
  • Rights to children
  • Gender Equality
  • Advocacy and Awareness Building
  • Others (Disability rights)

The main areas of the youth programme(s): Youth volunteerism

Title of the programme (1): Inclusion Works

Duration or time period: 2019-2022

Targeted beneficiaries:

  • Young Men (Age between 18-35)
  • Young Women (Age between 18-35)

Districts covered:

  • Chattogram
  • Dhaka
  • Gazipur
  • Khulna
  • Narsingdi

Youth involvement: Actively/directly engaged in project management

Government Ministries and/or Departments involved: Ministry of Social Services

Title of the programme (2): British Academy Youth Futures Research Project

Duration or time period: 2020-2022

Targeted beneficiaries:

  • Young Men (Age between 18-35)
  • Young Women (Age between 18-35)

Districts covered:

  • Dhaka
  • Gazipur
  • Narsingdi
  • Sirajganj

Youth involvement: Actively/directly engaged in project design and conceptualization