Location: Sirajganj

Website: www.friobd.org

Email: friongotbs@gmail.com

Mission and Vision: The mission of the training Institute is to collect the unskilled, ethnic, unemployed, poor, divorce, people of different community scattered throughout the region deprived of advantage and make them well trained in different vocational sectors.

Vision : To eliminate the poverty and unemployment and to promote the country’s economy through providing them proper job as they become skilled.

Target population/beneficiaries:

  • Climate vulnerable population
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Population in hard-to reach areas
  • Senior Citizen (60+ years)
  • Women and children
  • Youth (Age between 18-35)

Geographical coverage: Sub-National level

Type and focus: Not youth led but has youth centric programmes

Focus/areas of current programme:

  • Agriculture & Food Security
  • Employment
  • Health, Nutrition and Population
  • Humanitarian Response
  • Soft skills development programme
  • Vocational Education & Training and Skills Development
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  • Women Empowerment

The main areas of the youth programme(s): Youth skills and capacity development

Title of the programme (1): Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP), Tailoring & Dress Making, Computer office application training.

Duration or time period: Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP/2030)

Targeted beneficiaries:

  • Young Men (Age between 18-35)
  • Young Women (Age between 18-35)

Districts covered:

  • Lalmonirhat
  • Sirajganj

Youth involvement: Actively/directly engaged in project management

Title of the programme (2): Awareness of skill development training

Duration or time period: Its running programs

Targeted beneficiaries:

  • Children (below 18 years)
  • Young Men (Age between 18-35)
  • Young Women (Age between 18-35)

Districts covered: Sirajganj

Youth involvement: Actively/directly engaged in project delivery and implementation