Location: Kushtia
Website: https://fair-bd.org/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/fair.org
Email: fair_bd@yahoo.com, info@fair-bd.org
Mission and Vision:
Vision: A just equal and sustainable society free from all discriminations
Mission: To ensure rights of the underprivileged especially socially excluded people by promoting good governance, human rights and social & economic justice, enhancing human values and social responsibility through right based approach and coordination & collaboration among the people where everyone enjoy their rights & dignity equally.
Target population/beneficiaries:
- Adivasi
- Climate vulnerable population
- Persons with disabilities
- Population in hard-to reach areas
- Urban floating population
- Women and children
- Youth (Age between 18-35)
- Others (Dalit Community)
Geographical coverage: Sub-National level
Type and focus: Not youth led but has youth centric programmes
Focus/areas of current programme:
- Adivasi Rights and Development
- Advocacy and Awareness Building
- Community Empowerment
- Employment
- Environment, Climate Change, and Disaster Management
- Health, Nutrition and Population
- Human Rights and Legal Aid Services
- Humanitarian Response
- Quality education
- Vocational Education & Training and Skills Development
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- Women Empowerment
The main areas of the youth programme(s): Youth employment/job placement program
Title of the programme (1): Vocational Education for Marginalized
Duration or time period: 2020- 2022
Targeted beneficiaries:
- Young Women (Age between 18-35)
- Young Men (Age between 18-35)
Districts covered: Kushtia
Youth involvement: Actively/directly engaged in project delivery and implementation
Government Ministries and/or Departments involved: Ministry of Youth and Sports