Location: চট্টগ্রাম

Website: www.ushactg.com

Email: ushabd.org@gmail.com

Mission and Vision: বাংলাদেশের নারীদের  স্বাবলম্বীকরণ ও  ক্ষমতায়ন এর মাধ্যমে পরিবার ও সমাজের ইতিবাচক পরিবর্তন সাধন করা

Target population/beneficiaries: Youth (Age between 18-35), Women and children

Geographical coverage: Sub-National level

Type and focus: Youth led and youth centric programmes

Focus/areas of current programme: Employment, Soft skills development programme, Vocational Education & Training and Skills Development, Women Empowerment, Human Rights and Legal Aid Services, Mental heath, Volunteerism

The main areas of the youth programme(s): Youth skills and capacity development

Title of the programme (1): উদ্যোক্তা উন্নয়ন কর্মসূচী

Duration or time period: 2020-2022

Targeted beneficiaries: Young Women (Age between 18-35)

Districts covered: Lakshmipur, Chattogram, Cox’s Bazar

Youth involvement: Actively/directly engaged in project design and conceptualization

Government Ministries and/or Departments involved: Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Social Services, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs

Title of the programme (2): USHA School Program

Duration or time period: 2016 to till now

Targeted beneficiaries: Children (below 18 years)

Districts covered: Chattogram

Youth involvement: Actively/directly engaged in project delivery and implementation

Government Ministries and/or Departments involved: Ministry of Women and Children Affairs

Title of the programme (3): Promoting Safe Migration for Bangladeshi Workers Program

Duration or time period: 2015 to 2017

Targeted beneficiaries: Young Women (Age between 18-35)

Districts covered: Chattogram

Youth involvement: Actively/directly engaged in project delivery and implementation

Government Ministries and/or Departments involved: Ministry of Youth and Sports