WaterAid Bangladesh

WaterAid has been operating in Bangladesh since 1986 as one of the lead actors in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector, and is well experienced in innovating, scaling up and managing large scale projects targeting poor, vulnerable and excluded people. It has been registered with NGO Affairs Bureau since 1996. The geographic focus of WaterAid Bangladesh includes urban slums, hard-to-reach areas and eco-hazardous zones such as hill tract and hillocks, dry and arid barind tract, salinity-prone coastal belt, haor and flood-prone chars. We, along with our partner NGOs, have successfully developed and implemented model approaches for providing sustainable community managed WASH services and facilities for poor, extreme poor and marginalised people in different hydro-geological contexts of Bangladesh.

WaterAid’s vision is of a world where everyone, everywhere has safe water, sanitation and hygiene. The mission is to transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised people by improving access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene. WaterAid Bangladesh have reached over 12 million people across the country with safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene education so far. The organisation is, currently, working with 17 partners in 16 districts, 16 upazilas, 3 City Corporations and 4 municipalities across Bangladesh. WaterAid Bangladesh is also the Secretariat of Youth for SDG 6 platform aiming to connect youth to WASH.


Organisational and Communication Focal Person for the SDG Platform

Partha Hefaz Shaikh
Director – Policy and Advocacy
Email: ParthaShaikh@wateraid.org



Mailing Address: House- 97/B, Road- 25 Block- A, Banani, Dhaka- 1213
Phone: (+88) 02 58815757, 9848541
Fax: (+88) 02 9882577
Email: wateraidbangladesh@wateraid.org
Social Media:  Facebook | Twitter | Youtube | Flickr
Website: http://www.wateraid.org/bd