UCEP Bangladesh

UCEP Bangladesh was established by Mr. Lindsay Allan Cheyne, a New Zealander back in 1972. With the motto ‘Help to Learn, Skills to Earn’, UCEP Bangladesh is a non-governmental organization which provides Second Chance Education to out-of-school children and Decent Work to youth & adults through Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET) and Skills Development. It has a special focus on social inclusion, therefore, gives priority to females, children & youth from poor and underprivileged communities. UCEP Bangladesh also aims to build partnerships with different stakeholders in its bid to promote the “Leave No One Behind” campaign by focusing on social inclusion.

Organisational and Communication Focal Person for the SDG Platform

Nazia Afroz
Deputy Manager, Resource Mobilisation
Email: nazia.afroz@ucepbd.org


UCEP Bangladesh’s Interventions in response to COVID-19

November 2nd, 2020|COVID-19 Response|

UCEP Bangladesh is proactive towards promoting the overall wellbeing of its workforces and conducive working environment across the organization. The management took a wide range of initiatives since the outbreak of COVID-19 to ensure safety and security in its programmatic and non-programmatic activities.