Resource Integration Centre (RIC)

Resource Integration Centre (RIC) as a non-government organisation eestablished in 1981 with a vision to establish a happy and prosperous Bangladesh based on equal rights and strong democratic values RIC is Registered with Department of Social Service, NGO Affairs Bureau and MRA. At present RIC is working in 27 districts, with 2500 of employees and 180 office set-ups in different working areas with a Central Office at Dhaka.

RIC involve in Health and Nutrition, Education, Food security and Agricultural development, Formal and non-formal education, Human rights, Humanitarian crisis; DRR and climate change, Good governance & Policy Advocacy and   Micro Credit

RIC is working with different funding partners since 1984. At present RIC is implementing Development 18 projects. Among the funding partners European Union, World Food Programme, Help Age International, World Vision and different ministries of Bangladesh Government are mentionable.

RIC is affiliated with many National and International level Network, Forum and Association. National level: NIRAPAD, CUP, Disaster Forum, CDF, CEN, COFCON, ARC-B), FNB, Forum for the Rights of the Elderly, Bangladesh and Probin Odhikar Mancha (Platform for the Elderly, Bangladesh),

International Level: Help Age International, FORUM ASIA, International Federation on Ageing (IFA) and Global Alliance For The Rights of The Older People (GAROP)


Organisational Focal Person for the SDG Platform

Tofazzel Hossain Monju
RIC committee member

Communication Focal Person for the SDG Platform

Ferdoushi Begum Geetaly
Assistant General Manager



Mailing Address: House # 88/A, Road # 7/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209, G.P.O Box # 2789  
Phone Number: 880-2-58152424
Social Media: Facebook