Research Initiatives Bangladesh (RIB)

Research Initiatives, Bangladesh (RIB) is a Not-for-Profit Organization registered under Companies Act, 1994 of Bangladesh and NGO Affairs Bureau of Prime Minister’s Office under Foreign Donations Regulation Ordinance, 1978. RIB was founded in 2002 by some prominent educators, social scientists and human rights activists. Our goal is to promote knowledge on poverty alleviation that is relevant, useful, innovative, participatory and action-oriented with a special focus on marginalized and socially excluded communities.

The key areas of intervention of RIB are- Human Rights, Right to information, Gender, Education, Agriculture, Legal services, Advocacy, Health. We work with the purpose of supporting marginalized and minority groups who are unable to access basic services due to social discrimination and conducting people’s research (gonogobeshona) on the development schemes that affect them most, in order to develop ownership and generate community mobilization.


Organisational and Communication Focal Person for the SDG Platform

Ms Suraiya Begum


Mailing Address: House 7, Rd. 17, Block C, Banani, Dhaka 1213 

Phone: +8801715008378

Social Media: Facebook