
Pollisree is a local Non-Governmental organization was established in February 1987. Since the inception it has a very clear vision to empower oppressed and destitute women.

Goal: To improve socio-economic, cultural and political status of under privileged, landless and diverse section of society.


  1. Uphold socio-political, cultural economic rights & entitlement.
  2. Access to services, opportunities & control over resources.
  3. Strengthen people, community institutions & ensure linkages.
  4. Ending gender discrimination, violence against women and injustice against diverse community.
  5. Enhance individual and social capacity and skill and linking with income and employment opportunity.


To become an enabler of the people, particularly women and the youth, in their endeavor to become vocal, rights-demanding, and users of their resources for sustainable well-being.

Vision :

To support the poor, particularly women, youth, disadvantaged groups, and ethnic minorities, attain sustainable wellbeing and realize economic, social and gender equality.


Organisational Focal Person for the SDG Platform

Shamim Ara Begum
Executive Director
E-mail: pollisree@yahoo.com

Communication Focal Person for the SDG Platform

Samsun Nahar
Manager Gender Justice and Training
E-mail: samsunpolli@yahoo.com



Mailing Address: House # 606, Road # 3/E, Pollisree Road, Uttar Balubari Sadar, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh
Phone/Mobile: 88 01511334466
Email: pollisree@yahoo.com
Website address: www.pollisree.org