Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (HEKS)

HEKS/EPER – is the aid organisation of the Swiss Protestant Churches, was founded in 1946, and campaigns for a more human and equitable world in Switzerland and abroad to assist people and communities in economic and social need.

The mission statement laid out in the Foundation Statute expresses its deep respect for people of all cultures, ethnicities and religions. As such, HEKS/EPER supports people and communities in gaining prosperity or claiming their rights regardless of their religious affiliation, ethnic origin, social background, gender or sexual orientation. All people should be able to live a life in dignity and of safety in social, economic and political terms. ‘The focus of its commitments is on the dignity of each individual. This is one of the principles of universal human rights and it is also reflected in basic Christian values.’

HEKS/EPER has got a holistic and systemic perspective, such as the ‘human rights-based approach’ cultivating dialogue with rights-holders, duty-bearers, donors and working partners in order to contribute to good governance and systemic change. The cross-cutting issues ‘gender’, ‘resilience building’ and ‘conflict sensitivity’ as well as a sound management of all efforts are key to achieve progress. Strategic networks and alliances increase effectiveness and relevance.

HEKS/EPER is member of ACT Alliance, a coalition of 140 NGOs active in 100 countries.

Organisational Focal Person for the SDG Platform

Saibun Nessa
Manager – Advocacy and Rights based Development Programme
Email: saibun.nessa@heks-eper.org

Communication Focal Person for the SDG Platform

Israt Jahan Biju
Project Manager – PIDIM
Email: israt.biju@heks-eper.org


Mailing Address: House: 28, First Floor, Road: 11, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209
Phone: +88-02-9882910
Email: Bangladesh@heks-eper.org
Social Media: Website: www.heks-eper.org


The COVID-19 pandemic Response by HEKS/EPER

April 15th, 2020|COVID-19 Response|

Since the COVID-19 pandemic occurred in Bangladesh, HEKS/EPER is keeping cautious eyes on the situation. This intervention includes options for diverse members of the targeted plainland indigenous/Adibashi, Dalit and bottom poor people from mainstream communities’ households including women and men, people with disability, elderly people, children and adolescents.