Friends in Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB)

FIVDB’s mission is to give disadvantaged women, men and children greater voice, reduce their vulnerability, increase their use of citizenship rights and help them enhance their quality of life. To that end, FIVDB pursues educational, social and economic capacity building and social-organization approaches. It works to strengthen social protection and safety networks and participates in national and international outreach and advocacy.

Organisational Focal Person for Citizen’s Platform

Mr Bazle Mustafa Razee
Executive Director


Mailing Address: Doloipara, Khadimnagar, Sylhet- 3103, Bangladesh.

National Outreach-Dhaka Office: 2/5, Humayun Road, Block-B, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh
Mobile: 01715151749, 01711155840

GPO Box No. 2632, Dhaka-1000