Association for Social Development of Bangladesh (ASDB)

Association for Social Development of Bangladesh is a non-profit organization committed for developing and promoting active citizenship among community people with special emphasis to the poor, women, youths and minorities including civil society members.

Geographical area of operation: Dhaka City and Savar Upzilla.

Vision and Mission

The vision that inspirits its work is the vision of Bangladesh as a democratic, ecologically balanced, economically productive and culturally diversified society based on dignity and social justice where everyone’s potentials are fully explored.

The mission of organization is to promote gender equity, livelihood security, governance and sustainable environment. Organization strive this by challenging the root causes and facilitating people’s initiatives in mobilizing children, women, other marginalized groups, youths and local communities with a spirit of activism.


Organisational & Communication Focal Person for the SDG Platform

Sanchita Talukder
General Secretary and Executive Director


10/E/1, Road#2, Tolerbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216
Phone: +880-1715849474
Social media: Facebook