Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK)

ASK, a national legal aid and human rights organisation, was established in 1986. Initially its work was limited to providing free legal services to the disempowered particularly women, working children and workers in Dhaka city. But over the last twenty nine years ASK has devolved a more comprehensive approach to the promotion, protection and prevention in the area of legal and human rights. Its strategies promote human rights awareness and community activism; offer legal aid through mediation and litigation while survivors are given psycho-social counseling; investigations into human rights violations and their documentation are supplemented by research which together lead to media campaigns to defend human rights, and public interest litigation for law and policy reform.

ASK’s advocacy is carried out both at the national level and international level. ASK’s publications are an important means of disseminating information and knowledge. It is a membership based organisation with 23 general members-15 women and 8 men at present. A nine member executive committee is constituted currently by 7 women and 2 men which meets regularly to decide on policy matters. The general members meet once every year. It has consultative status with UNECOSOC.

Organisational and Communication Focal Person for the SDG Platform

Mr Abu Ahmed Faijul Kabir
Senior Coordinator


Mailing Address: 2/16, Block-B, Lalmatia, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Phone: +88 (02) 8100192, 8100195, 8100197
Fax: +88 (02) 8100187


ASK’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

October 19th, 2020|COVID-19 Response|

After COVID-19 outbreak in Bangladesh, ASK followed the government’s directions and adopted ‘work from home’ strategy. After that, ASK began its office by activating roaster duty. Since Mid-August, ASK has started to continue its activities in a full swing.