The Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh (hereinafter “Platform”) is an initiative undertaken by a group of CSOs, NGOs and individuals with the objective of contributing to the delivery of the SDGs in a participatory, inclusive and accountable process. With a particular focus on Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions, this platform will work inclusively engage with all stakeholders from national to local level to create and strengthen the awareness, demand and capacity to implement the commitment to “leave no one behind”.

This Partnership Policy applies to relationships that the Platform may undertake with organisations to promote the objectives and mandate referred to in the above document. The term “Partnership” implies relationships or arrangements for participation, collaboration, joint organisation, co-sponsoring and other forms institutional arrangements for specific events and/or programmes undertaken to pursue the objective of achieving the SDGs in Bangladesh. The term ‘Partner’ means an organisation in the non-government and private sector that the Platform has enlisted for partnership.

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