সোনার বাংলা ফাউন্ডেশন
To help the quality of life of poorer populationthrough their activeinvolvement for socioeconomic emancipation.
To help the quality of life of poorer populationthrough their activeinvolvement for socioeconomic emancipation.
Location: ঝালকাঠী Website/Facebook page: www.duksbd.org Target population/beneficiaries: Youth (Age between 18-35), Women and children, Persons with disabilities, Urban floating population, Climate vulnerable population, Population in hard-to reach areas Geographical coverage: [...]
JONONI is committed to help distressed break out of the poverty trap through nee socio-economic development programs in every sector of life prorating than quality and sustainable development.
Location: Mirpur, Dhaka Website: www.tmss-bd.org Email: tmsses@gmail.com; tmsseshq@gmail.com Mission and Vision: Mission: TMSS provides its best efforts in bringing the poor women to a better life with dignity both in [...]
To establish a pollution free environment and society.
Our mission is to prevent avoidable blindness and fight for disability rights.
Location: Gazipur Website: www.peobd.org Email: peobd@yahoo.com Target population/beneficiaries: Adivasi Climate vulnerable population Persons with disabilities Population in hard-to reach areas Third gender Urban floating population Women and children Youth (Age [...]
To build a healthy society , where all people are able to meet the basic human needs with full of joy and peace.
Location: Collage Road, Gaibandha Email: dishariorg@gmail.com Target population/beneficiaries: Women and children, Persons with disabilities Youth (Age between 18-35) Geographical coverage: Sub-National level Type and focus: Youth volunteer organisation Focus/areas of [...]
Location: Boda, Panchagarh Email: svdmizan@gmali.com Mission and Vision: Vision: To ensure a “Peaceful Social System”. Mission: To ensure every body’s participation in removing all social barriers. Target population/beneficiaries: Persons with [...]