সংগ্রাম (সংগঠিত গ্রামোন্নয়ন কর্মসূচী)
Socio-economic and humanitarian development of the disadvantaged, vulnerable community of the coastal belt.
Socio-economic and humanitarian development of the disadvantaged, vulnerable community of the coastal belt.
Equity based democratic, poverty free, enhances the productivity of agriculture, sustainable society, which respect to human rights, mainstreams gender equality, and ensures social justice through good governance and sustainable development.
বাংলাদেশের নারীদের স্বাবলম্বীকরণ ও ক্ষমতায়ন এর মাধ্যমে পরিবার ও সমাজের ইতিবাচক পরিবর্তন সাধন করা
A society based on equality, fairness and good governance which can ensure sustainable development and people's empowerment.
UCEP Bangladesh envisions an inclusive society where skills of people and institutions are proactively contributing to the wellbeing and sustainable development of the country.
Location: Kurigram Website: www.solidarity.com Email: solidarity_bd@yahoo.com Mission and Vision: Vision: Solidarity is everywhere in human life. Mission: Social Justice, Organization, Liberation Conciseness, Intellectuality, Development, Awareness, Rights, Impact of Ecological Environment, [...]
Location: Mirpur, Dhaka Website: https://serac-bd.org/ Email: info@serac-bd.org Mission and Vision: Mission - The mission of SERAC-Bangladesh is to establish a human rights-oriented environment that provides spaces for achievable development in [...]
Rupantar envisions for a just-society, which fosters harmony with the larger community, culture and Nature.
Work for establishing a just society through progressive social transformation.
To build a just society where every people has equal opportunity to explore their full potential in rights and dignity manner